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Palestra Situação Econômica Mundial pós-pandemia com Yorizumi Watanabe 31/03/2022 - Online

Palestra Situação Econômica Mundial pós-pandemia com Yorizumi Watanabe 31/03/2022 - Online

Data/Hora 31/03/2022 / 08:30-09:30

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Descrição do Evento

A Embaixada do Japão e a Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão (FUNAG) realizarão palestra online com especialista em economia internacional.

O professor WATANABE Yorizumi, da Universidade Internacional de Kansai, é especialista em economia internacional e a muito tempo vem atuando em negociações de parcerias econômicas entre o Japão e outros países.

A palestra apresenta a situação econômica mundial com uma perspectiva pós-pandemia, incluindo mudanças nas cadeias de fornecimento global devido ao novo coronavírus, bem como a política básica do Japão na cooperação econômica com outros países. Também será tratado sobre a cooperação econômica entre Japão e MERCOSUL.


Watanabe Yorizumi - Professor of International Political Economy and Dean at the School of International Communication, Kansai University of International Studies, Japan. Professor Emeritus, Keio University, Japan

Yorizumi Watanabe is Professor of International Political Economy, and Dean at the School of International Communication, Kansai University of International Studies (KUIS) since April 2019, and also Emeritus Professor at Keio University where he taught from April 2005 to March 2019.

His distinguished career has featured significant engagement in the major bilateral and multilateral trade negotiations in which Japan has been involved in the past two decades. This includes postings to Japan's diplomatic missions in Geneva (1985-1990) and Brussels (1995-1998).

He was Deputy Director-General of the Economic Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan from 2002-2004 and served as Chief Negotiator for the Japan-Mexico Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) and the Working Party on Russia's Accession to the WTO. He was Special Assistant to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan in 2004.

He has been a member of some task forces such as the one on the Japan-EU EPA as well as on the Japan-India EPA, and more recently on Japan-US Economic Relations under Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan in 2016. Prof. Watanabe actually serves on the Panel on BREXIT issues organized by the KEIDANREN (The Japanese Federation of Economic Organizations).

Since April 2015 Prof. Watanabe has been Statutory Auditor at Mitsubishi Fuso Truck & Bus Company, which is affiliated to Daimler AG.


Dia 31/03/2022, quinta-feira, a partir das 08h30


Canal do Youtube da Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão (FUNAG)






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Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão (FUNAG)

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